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This brief is part of a series of knowledge resources developed under the 'Collective Action to Reduce Gender-Based Violence (CARE-GBV)' centered on strengthening USAID’s collective prevention and response, or “collective action” in GBV development programming across USAID.
This brief introduces the definition of social norms, including gender norms, and how they relate to GBV, as well as various tools to identify and address social norms. The information provided here aims to primarily support USAID Mission staff and implementing partners working to promote gender equity and norms that foster healthy relationships. However, these can be adapted and implemented by the larger sector as well. By identifying context-specific social norms, program implementers can promote equitable norms in their program activities.
The brief covers making the link between social norms and GBV, identifying, exploring, and monitoring shifts in social norms, the process for identifying, exploring, and monitoring shifts in social norms and advancing equitable norms.
Related File :
Gender Based Violence